I am now listening to WeiYi with KennyG at Youtube.com & it very much remind me about my first maid, Ita, she loved kennyg.
I so miss singing. I wish I can sing now. actually I did, to myself at youtube. hehe.
Darling birthday arriving in a day time....=) I hope it will be good.
Febuary is arriving very soon.
New year is coming too soon.
10Feb is coming just like a blink.
Don't know whats up this eight-teen. But I know it may not be as happening but is alright. Who will remember this time?
It falls on the chu4 of the year... Guess can;t jio girlfriends out for celebrations;c 1-5th will be working... ;(
GirlFriends, Missedyou people.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
the other night before releaseing of O's were with parents & uncles & whoever at amk.kbox.. were singing away though most of songs delicated were old ones. however still managed to sang a few pieces of my own.. Wow.. loved it:D craving for more sessions. ^

one of the products selling these days.:)
Apple+Jasmine = Hongping !
lol. Only MazinCharlotteMong or Maybe Cryst knows why apple+jasmine abt.
so qiao oh. this is the mixture of both ... :)
I'm okay with my sister.
lol. Only MazinCharlotteMong or Maybe Cryst knows why apple+jasmine abt.
so qiao oh. this is the mixture of both ... :)
I'm okay with my sister.
Wansui oh sister
My so called claimed wannabe almost thought sister is no longer sister. he is holy crap. he lied about the word sister. I bet its affecting. Even though time span is short but time spent is really amazing... I always still hope for a sms maybe a sorry or what but again, I shouldn't be anymore cos its too short to be true.& fuck. you don't even feel so why am I here talking about the word friendship. Its okay for you to lose a friend, you;ve got tonns. Its okay for me to lose a fren. But . . whats the reason behind it being vexed ? Zz
will be working, so lesser time with peeps. might be going for that 1-5th assignment.. Guess all of my friends are either busy working, preparing, jae-exercising, whatever and doubt they ever have time for me.
I can;t wait to 30th ~ (;
I will make it great.
will be working, so lesser time with peeps. might be going for that 1-5th assignment.. Guess all of my friends are either busy working, preparing, jae-exercising, whatever and doubt they ever have time for me.
I can;t wait to 30th ~ (;
I will make it great.
Monday, January 21, 2008
I can't possibly remember what had been happening doing or whatever recently, but I very much know/sure/sigh about the fact that results are like 24th and everyone were like omfg how, sigh scared cries whatever. and I'm very much included in this category. wtfg. hais. I know I'll flunk lo, I really do know. but i pray for a miracle.....
Anyway, caught vanished with zin,gk,dan,jason last night, homed around 12am+ slept woke & the next day to dar place for slacks and I gona go for that training we interviewed ystr at 630 later evening so meanwhile i guess I shall just slack around sleep talk play whatever at home or even to visit bugis for awhile to get certain things done. sucha long one. hahaha.
I hvn't got the very right mood to get my cny stuffs ready .. Aye anyway they should be done very soon .. Weekends are like working from 1pm-11pm ..there goes my weekends. no movie. no 85. no boatquay. =( 

Darling got this tiffiany&co necklace.. birthday? valentines'? or anniv?

Saturday, January 19, 2008
love you forever & ever.
Friday night with the people, same people rocks alot .:D we went agnerose againn. 2 Chivas this time, =) hehe . homed around 630AM..
I think I got drunk.. I think i kept laughing, everything seems so funny. we just laughed our lungs out .. to think of it , its really quite funny..
before that headed to ngeeann openhouse with zinny.... very huge ..homed change then to pizza, was zl treat oh ... :D

* _ * working tmr oh at expo.
interview monday uh..
love you forever & ever.
Friday night with the people, same people rocks alot .:D we went agnerose againn. 2 Chivas this time, =) hehe . homed around 630AM..
I think I got drunk.. I think i kept laughing, everything seems so funny. we just laughed our lungs out .. to think of it , its really quite funny..
before that headed to ngeeann openhouse with zinny.... very huge ..homed change then to pizza, was zl treat oh ... :D

* _ * working tmr oh at expo.
interview monday uh..
Thursday, January 17, 2008
alot of times in life people do regrets. I can't explain the sorta regrets I;m undergoing right now..Its whole loads of mixed up ones.. Right now I can only pray & hope... I wished I'd did it right from the beginning.. I don't know if its too late to whine but guess not , cos I gona stand from where I fall, & acheive what I ever ever want. No matter how long it fcuking hell takes. Or perhaps, Its not that bad, still simple, just that I complicate it. I added those unnecessary spice to it. Maybe I should have been more confident. and probably doubt less. But is not a feeling I can ever ever control. I dreamt of it probably every night I just hoping very much it will end soon. Come to think of it, I find it rather easy, I don't see the difficulties in them , really. Maybe because of age. maybe because of the fact that when we grow older, we see better. we visualise even further. Or maybe because of the things I've seen over the months.. or maybe this... or maybe that.. I don't know, seems so screwed up. I can't deny I'm afraid. Really am...
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
suntec,marina with darling like finallyyyy.had yukiyaki. :)& I was filling till now.omfg. I was indeed pondering over that question, what is love? lately because of the fact about seeing couples seperating after years, marrige & divorce. but I guess I finally came to an conclusion .. I held him tightly & for that moment I knew that was bliss. Happiness is the only word. :)
I saw zin&hf btw , at marina, sucha coincidence ya.^ seeya girls again on friday k . .shopped with mazin the other monday , after which headed to agnerose with zin & gk. zl was working there then, haha sucha good night , cos we needn't have to pay for martell, lol. ^^

today is love.
What about tomorrow?!
HmMmmMmm.. :)
We just gona live on happy today. Whats gona be up tomorrow shall be tomorrow. :)
Today, I wanna say I Love You, Baby
suntec,marina with darling like finallyyyy.had yukiyaki. :)& I was filling till now.omfg. I was indeed pondering over that question, what is love? lately because of the fact about seeing couples seperating after years, marrige & divorce. but I guess I finally came to an conclusion .. I held him tightly & for that moment I knew that was bliss. Happiness is the only word. :)
I saw zin&hf btw , at marina, sucha coincidence ya.^ seeya girls again on friday k . .shopped with mazin the other monday , after which headed to agnerose with zin & gk. zl was working there then, haha sucha good night , cos we needn't have to pay for martell, lol. ^^

today is love.
What about tomorrow?!
HmMmmMmm.. :)
We just gona live on happy today. Whats gona be up tomorrow shall be tomorrow. :)
Today, I wanna say I Love You, Baby
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I wanna tell the entire world that I Love You.
baby teo Jerrome, yes you.
I Love You.
my night with crys at tP , that jam&hop thingy. :) Its good tonight. :) hahaha. gk came along too. Bringing Matthew.. & coincidence, Crys & Matthew are actually old friends. But they don;t realised it untill they are homed, onlined. hahaha , sucha tiny world .
After which crys gk & I headed to 85 for food...
very short night yet its still happening . . hehe.. :D
baby teo Jerrome, yes you.
I Love You.
my night with crys at tP , that jam&hop thingy. :) Its good tonight. :) hahaha. gk came along too. Bringing Matthew.. & coincidence, Crys & Matthew are actually old friends. But they don;t realised it untill they are homed, onlined. hahaha , sucha tiny world .
After which crys gk & I headed to 85 for food...
very short night yet its still happening . . hehe.. :D
Friday, January 11, 2008
9th, we celebrated ZhiLong's birthday @ steamboat,Bugis..
:) Its always good to have them around. my pub cliques ! :)

btw have been workng 4 days at the another end of singapore , places like bukitpanj & woodlands omfg&**!%@&!_~*~!
i hated the journey really.
:) Its always good to have them around. my pub cliques ! :)

btw have been workng 4 days at the another end of singapore , places like bukitpanj & woodlands omfg&**!%@&!_~*~!
i hated the journey really.
yawns me like god damn . . zZ
glad tt its over la :D
Now its time to enjoy life again & again=D
anyway. he made this , for christmas actually. .

Its a musical box which plays about 5 differ melody..
Sunday, January 06, 2008
spent day out with cousins.:) guess its really bliss. stupid mong didn't come along.HOW COME? o.o
Its cousin JJ birthday.. Ktv from 2-7PM. so shiok la :D I Love Sing.. after which we wanna go for dinner, had it at ECP, waraku leh.. haha. Thought just normal one. anyway once in awhile good food really should really be enjoyed.^^ Its superb.
Its cousin JJ birthday.. Ktv from 2-7PM. so shiok la :D I Love Sing.. after which we wanna go for dinner, had it at ECP, waraku leh.. haha. Thought just normal one. anyway once in awhile good food really should really be enjoyed.^^ Its superb.

Friday, January 04, 2008
had it at agnerose again . i so heart that place.:) I told you the people were heaven. hahaha.
Hmm, many many went along.. think theres nineteen.. met knew people. ;)
Reached home round 8AM..

Btw Zhilong also Jan baby. on the 11th while Zin's on the 10th.
zinnie, hope you'd a good one. :)
I will move on with the disheartening truth and that beautiful lie.
had it at agnerose again . i so heart that place.:) I told you the people were heaven. hahaha.
Hmm, many many went along.. think theres nineteen.. met knew people. ;)
Reached home round 8AM..

Btw Zhilong also Jan baby. on the 11th while Zin's on the 10th.
zinnie, hope you'd a good one. :)
I will move on with the disheartening truth and that beautiful lie.

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
what shouldn't be kept should always go away.
whatever longed to be keep. shall always always remain unchange.
it hadn't be a very good year..
where unhappiness occurs.
heartached felt.
tears rolling,
YEAR 2007
and after so mcuh, we are still left with one thing, we'll still have to move on.. I hated to see my cousin leave.. I hate the pain in his family. I hate to feel am still feeling the pain always.. I hate to recall about him. I hated bikers who speed & neglect people who ever ever left to feel the pain.
I hated too see my laokim leave. I hated to see how my grandma tear. I hated to see because of wealth everyone changes. Because money are the only living things they ever see. they overlooked the fact that family ties should always remain the piority.
I hated to know friends left.
I hated to read about people falling of the building because of love. Or even worse , to first hand know about people around you doing so much so. Its so childish, foolish anything you can ever spiced up as. him/her is just givn the opposite so much chance to fling one after another. why not stay around to prevent it ..
I hated when misfortune falls.
I hated when I read about the 5 rollers.
It pained so much as a reader.
I hate it when problems occur between Jerrome & I.
I hated it when my frens got betrayed..
I hated it when people fall sicks.
I very much wana thanked for the safety of my family. people close around me to be as healthy today. I pray everyday is safe & sound ..
this is my 2oo7.
Welcome 2008 people.
what shouldn't be kept should always go away.
whatever longed to be keep. shall always always remain unchange.
it hadn't be a very good year..
where unhappiness occurs.
heartached felt.
tears rolling,
YEAR 2007
and after so mcuh, we are still left with one thing, we'll still have to move on.. I hated to see my cousin leave.. I hate the pain in his family. I hate to feel am still feeling the pain always.. I hate to recall about him. I hated bikers who speed & neglect people who ever ever left to feel the pain.
I hated too see my laokim leave. I hated to see how my grandma tear. I hated to see because of wealth everyone changes. Because money are the only living things they ever see. they overlooked the fact that family ties should always remain the piority.
I hated to know friends left.
I hated to read about people falling of the building because of love. Or even worse , to first hand know about people around you doing so much so. Its so childish, foolish anything you can ever spiced up as. him/her is just givn the opposite so much chance to fling one after another. why not stay around to prevent it ..
I hated when misfortune falls.
I hated when I read about the 5 rollers.
It pained so much as a reader.
I hate it when problems occur between Jerrome & I.
I hated it when my frens got betrayed..
I hated it when people fall sicks.
I very much wana thanked for the safety of my family. people close around me to be as healthy today. I pray everyday is safe & sound ..
this is my 2oo7.
Welcome 2008 people.
Shall just summorized it , 30th supposed to be at gossip,but because everything seems so screwed, therefore we headed to boatq instead. there's awesome. where theres no crowd, bar-man like perfect,sang like endless. very mcuh of our own thing. ;)

ended homed like 7Am. woke around 1PM. headed to Bugis with cousin.shopping..homed like 7PM. was still deciding to join which group, after much deciding, headed with crys, cindy, jason & daniel. to marina for fireworks actually, but train again to boatq instead. anyway crowd at boatq like never ending.so much yawns really. left for green& people at MOM area. there's so mcuh peacing. ;) hahaha.
Home around 6+ Slept & woke at 4pM. for the 2 days, so mcuh of these. so unhealthy wtf.
dar's grumbling , sorry baby. lessen ..
-- Happy schooling people.Ha..;)
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